0204 Cotton Morning Comments

The textile industry by the lack of external demand, production in the doldrums, exports blocked, efficiency decline. The annual added value of textile firms up 10.3% year-on-year growth rate down 6.2 percent, the first 11 months, the textile industry realized a total profit increase by 36.9 percent year-on-year growth dropped to 0.7 percent, including textiles, clothing profit increase of 9.3% and 13%, chemical fiber industry profits fell 74.9 percent, a loss of loss-making enterprises amounted to 22.13 billion yuan, up 97.7 percent, 20.4 percent achieved a loss of face; by consumer demand and exporting country production fell down the impact of the year 08/09 Global cotton trade is expected to decline over the previous year 21% to 6,600,000 tons, the International Cotton Advisory Committee, said China’s 08/09 annual import volume is expected at 1.5 million tons, up 41 percent reduction;收储still current domestic cotton price support , in addition to the revitalization of the textile industry also have a positive impact on the market, the majority of postganglionic spinning rate has not yet started, the short-term will not increase its procurement of raw materials.

(Technical): by drag down markets around, NYBOT cotton down Tuesday. Kai-Ping Zheng yesterday cotton shock strength in the surrounding commodities, driven by increased transaction volume position, period of admission to the recent high price point to be concerned about the recent breakthrough in first-line 12000, short-term policy support under the market or will be stronger, the demand is changed will be the key to support the market, do not blindly optimistic about the market temporarily. (Operation recommendations): too many short-term participation, concerned about the 12,000 front-line pressure.