How the U.S. industry in a difficult to find development opportunities?

Serious financial crisis in the United States many special textile market growth also slowed down, in spite of this, the U.S. industrial sector’s overall performance is still worth noting. In that case, how they are difficult to seek development opportunities? One industrial products at warp how one location? For help understanding the situation of similar enterprises in China find their own direction and measures.

Industry downturn led to sharp drop in the amount of industrial textiles

In fact, the strength of the U.S. economic slowdown and the cycle than many people, including some economic commentators in the last quarter of 2008 expected more serious, much longer. As the U.S. financial industry and the real estate industry caused by the economic crisis has led to the U.S. housing prices have dropped by 15% to 20%, and is expected in the next 12 months will continue to drop. In addition, investors, banks and various industries have been aware that the U.S. government 700 billion U.S. dollars of the rescue plan will not make the credit market rapidly warmed up in the short term, economic weakness will continue.

Among them, the most affected is the automotive industry. The problems facing the industry is unprecedented sales in 2007 from the 16 million expected this year dropped to 13 million. Vehicle use by 32 square meters of textile products, the U.S. auto industry downturn will allow textile consumption dropped 96 million square meters. At the same time, the weak U.S. economy has also resulted in reduced sales of vessels, in 2007 the sales of 841,820 year-on-year in 2006 decreased by 7.7%. More serious is that in 2007 the United States marine aftermarket accessories sales dropped by 5.5%. Downturn in these sectors, a direct result of the industrial textiles industry sales fell, such as sunshades the market in 2007 from 3 percent annual growth rate in 2008 dropped to an annual growth rate of 1% ~ 2%, in 2008 the ocean with a cloth pin volume in 2007 decreased by 0.5%.

Turbulent business environment, especially in energy and raw materials prices are rising, as well as continued relatively cheap imports of foreign textiles and other factors, resulting in a number of United States industrial textiles suppliers and end-product manufacturers in 2008 sales and profits in decline. Recently, the International Technical Textiles Association, organized a specialized response to the U.S. supplier of industrial textiles business climate survey, the survey, limiting the growth of the U.S. textile industry has three major factors: the high cost of raw materials (oil / energy other than raw materials) ; foreign manufacturers competition; high oil / energy prices.

Responses varied

Nevertheless, in the face of today’s economic crisis there are also some good news, such as high-end textiles and some production has been this idea of U.S. companies, they are expected to market changes and take prudent measures have yet bold. Insist their products are not only diverse, but also rely on intellectual capital and advanced technical support, to maintain its unique characteristics, production, sales and profits affected a very small extent. Other positive measures are the use and ongoing.

Increase investment emphasis on quality and innovation

U.S. industrial textiles market, suppliers through the introduction of new, high-value and high-margin products, marketing and promotional activities to improve the manufacturing process, increase research and development, purchasing new equipment, advertising and other measures to combat the various restrictions its development. Despite the current economic weakness, the United States some of the financial situation of the health of industrial textiles companies to start or adhere to their plan, they will not only control costs, and more emphasis on quality and innovation.

Some U.S. industrial textiles enterprises with the government, industrial R & D and production to establish strategic cooperative relations, to improve the products and their applications. For example, Auburn University and Georgia Tech University, a R & D team is working with DuPont’s Richmond plant Milliken Chemical Company and the United States co-operative research and design a brand new, with demand-oriented features of the reinforcement of light textiles, such textiles The main role is to provide a bullet-proof and bullet-proof protection film.