In 2009, China’s textile industry development opportunities for that?

30 years ago, Chinese people have to buy clothes to buy tickets cloth, Japanese Puppet Regime during the liberation of the equipment left behind is still functioning, textile exports of the main exchange is the national industry, even though hundreds of millions of dollars but only a mere 20 world export trade 3%, and exports are primary products also. Today, China has developed into the world’s largest textile and garment production, exporting and consuming countries, fiber processing accounts for more than 40% of the world, the world’s export trade volume accounted for more than a quarter of per capita fiber consumption is far more than the world average.

China Textile Industry Association Du Yuzhou 23 in China’s textile industry to commemorate the 30th anniversary of reform and opening up the forum, said the people’s livelihood as a pillar industry, the textile industry in the new era of progress, in response to the world financial crisis and economic crisis has laid a solid foundation, which The arrival of crisis to become China’s textile industry to accelerate the restructuring and industrial upgrading of the propeller.

Pillar industry of the people’s livelihood 4 trillion yuan to benefit from domestic demand to promote plan

Du Yuzhou said that China’s textile industry in an important position on the national economy lies in its pivotal role in satisfying and stimulating domestic demand, expanding employment and promotion of urbanization, to participate in global competition and the development of new industries to create domestic conditions, particularly irreplaceable historical status.

The reform and opening up of China’s textile industry has opened up the world’s largest domestic market. At present, textile enterprises above designated size of the export delivery value of the output value accounted for 23% of sales; domestic sales accounted for 77%. If China’s regional economic gap between the rich farmers reach the current level of cities and towns, then only the amount of consumption growth in rural clothing will make the national dress of total expenditure than the current expansion of 2.7 times. At the same time, the textile industry of technological progress, structural adjustment, improve the international competitiveness of the inevitable for the agriculture, heavy chemical industry, telecommunications industry and other tertiary industry to create new domestic market.

With technological progress and labor productivity and continuous improvement in the textile industry unit of output and employment will continue to reduce, but the total area of industry and related jobs will continue to grow. At the national industrial enterprises above designated size, the textile industry in the number of practitioners in 1980, when the proportion of 4.8%; in 1990 accounted for 8.84 percent; in 2000 accounted for 12.28%; in 2007 was increased to 14%. Employees in the textile industry in 1978 from 337 million to now more than 2000 million people, about 80% of employees in the transfer of labor from rural areas.

This year, as a result of the financial crisis caused a decrease in demand for international markets, external demand for the pulling effect of the development of the industry is in full weakened in January to November Although textile and apparel exports to maintain 8 percent increase in November but the month is a negative growth of 0.26 percent. At present, more than the size of the textile industry, about 70% of the average profit margin was 0.1 percent, involving more than 700 jobs 10000. Taking into account the scale of the following nearly 10 million workers, a greater impact. National macroeconomic policy adjustment and 4 trillion yuan of domestic demand to promote plans to release, as well as specialized textile enterprises to support policies on the plight of our textile industry to achieve stable development of great significance.

China Textile Economy Research Center, director of Sun Huaibin said that the outlook in 2009, the state introduced policies to further improve urban and rural incomes, goods and clothing will no doubt further expand the domestic market has laid the material foundation for the most important; to improve the low-income groups, retirees and special care Object-level social security is also conducive to the elimination of consumer worries, for these residents to increase consumption an effective role in promoting. At the same time, to speed up the protection of housing construction will inevitably pull with living-related decorative textiles, bedding and other home textiles market demand expansion; rural infrastructure, railways and other major infrastructure construction is bound to increase the development of geosynthetics materials, such as the demand for industrial textiles; vigorously develop medical and health undertakings will also provide medical and health care textiles broad market space.

Science and technology to raise the contribution rate and the opportunity to own brand

China’s textile industry to achieve the objectives of the textile country, we must solve a series of development issues, such as resources, environmental problems, reduce, control costs, SMEs to upgrade and raise labor productivity, build a cross-border supply chain, the formation of multinational enterprises such as China. “All this depends on the enhanced ability to innovate and increase the industry hard power and soft power building, science and technology to raise the contribution rate and their own brands.” Du Yuzhou said.

Du Yuzhou, introduced in 2009, security at the national expansion of domestic demand growth in adjusted the structure of macro-policies under the guidance of China’s textile industry will actively respond to the challenges of a knowledge-based economy, and promote the focus of scientific and technological, research and development and promote the transformation and promote industry-wide level of product differentiation, from fiber materials, production processes and equipment to the final products, to increase R & D intensity of enterprises, improve the industrial chain of production and the level of integrated innovation, increase the technological transformation of the scale, vigorously popularize the advanced technology and product features, performance, innovation and enhance the level of quality.

At the same time, in the face of the industry accounted for 99.4 percent of small and medium enterprises, especially on the current industry accounted for two-thirds of the total number of enterprises and the vast majority of the following small-scale enterprises, will increase public services, improve the industrial cluster of social functions, in terms of quality, R & D, information technology, logistics and marketing, training, energy-saving reduction in areas such as the role played by innovation and service platform to enable a smooth restructuring in an orderly way.

At present, the Chinese domestic brands has become the main body of the domestic mass consumption status, and its international and there is still a long way. Textile and apparel exports from the last century 80’s mainly of processing 90’s mainly in general trade in the new century to an OEM-based foundry stage, at the same time a foothold in the international market China’s own brands will also be increased.

“Transnational monopoly deal with the pressure of the brand depends on their own brands to foster and accelerate the expansion of technology to promote productivity and the organic integration of cultural productive forces, promoting quality, innovation, rapid response and social responsibility as one of the brand and cultural construction, build a brand design, production and marketing networks, open up international and domestic brands supply chain and value chain. “said Du Yuzhou.

Continue to play the role of comparative advantage

Financial crisis reduced international demand for a certain degree, the current Vietnam, the Philippines and other countries at lower labor costs of China’s textile industry will certainly challenge the formation of comparative advantage. This Sun Huaibin said that China’s overall textile and comprehensive strength, industry integrity, comprehensive ability to Vietnam, the Philippines and other countries unmatched by competition, and their industry chain is incomplete, mainly garments export processing capacity is relatively strong, and its fabric accessories and other raw materials imported from China have, these competitors will not result in real impact on China, its products instead of the structure and trade structure and China have complementary. In addition, from the emerging market countries, the Russia, Brazil and Eastern European countries, Middle East oil countries, its own textile and apparel supply far can not meet domestic demand, the need for Chinese products to fill vacancies in the market.

Du Yuzhou believe that the comparative advantages of upgrading and gradient transfer renewal of China’s comparative advantages and to enhance the two major trends. China’s current population of 1.3 billion people, urban-rural divide, regional differences, productivity differences will exist for a long process of urbanization is still very long, a large number of rural surplus labor force engaged in the textile industry determines the comparative advantage of the textile industry will continue to play a role. At the same time, the labor force in China’s eastern coastal areas of the level of creativity has been recognized in international markets, but the cost with the developed countries or newly industrialized economies is still low compared to about 15%, and its textile industry-hour average wage is equivalent to only one-third of Turkey’s 1.

“China’s national conditions determine the comparative advantages of other countries gradient transfers unparalleled great space, will be labor-intensive processing in underdeveloped regions to the domestic transfer, the formation of regional industrial chain, has managed to maintain the international competitiveness and boost the the development of underdeveloped areas. “Du Yuzhou said.