Textile groups have called for resources (WTO) tariff-free quota-free proposal
From Africa, South America, North America, as well as a total of 23 organizations, the textile industry group, has called on the World Trade Organization (WTO) Doha round of trade talks will be related to tariff-free quota-free (Duty-Free Quota Free, DFQF) proposal, Rule out the possibility of sensitive textile and clothing products. The group from the National Textile Association for the Advancement of groups (The National Council of Textile Organizations, NCTO) of Cass Johnson, president of the group on behalf of the proposal DFQF member of the WTO in a forum on the above demand.
They will be entitled to question the DFQF treatment of Bangladesh and Cambodia both countries to develop low-grade, has been low since other countries, as well as the development of the West and Africa’s poorest countries to win market share significantly, and these areas have already emerged a large number of export decline As well as unemployment. Cass Johnson said that Bangladesh and Cambodia in 2001, exports grew 90% increase in the total amount of 2,600,000,000 U.S. dollars. The Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) beneficiary countries and other less developed countries, as well as Western countries are exporting billions of dollars in a recession. Drainage given that the two new countries a greater scope of application of tariff preferences would result in a crisis, the impact on other parts of the unemployment situation has been faced with hundreds of thousands of employees.
The group that Bangladesh and Cambodia can only for African countries, less developed countries, Haiti and other developing countries (such as CAFTA countries) is a non-sensitive products, tariff-free treatment. The textile exports of these countries gross domestic exports of more than 65%. DFQF the Doha Round agreement calls for developed nations to open up its commitment to 97% of the duty-free products. Bangladesh and Cambodia are the requirements 100% of the tariff-free, so they can be with the West and Africa’s poorest countries and less developed countries duty-free clothing products.
The United States is Bangladesh, Cambodia, Nepal, as well as outside the less developed countries to provide duty-free concessions (with the exception of textiles).