India’s seven state cotton processing plants in recent days on strike
If the Government is not attaching importance to the Department of Indian cotton processors are facing problems, India seven states (including Gujarat), cotton processing plant plans to hold a strike in recent days. Government to support the minimum cotton price (MSP) to 575 rupees / 20 kg of cotton processors are forced to purchase higher than the market price of cotton.
Or because the cotton price is too high, textile factories are no longer purchasing cotton from the cotton plant. A few have begun to import cotton textile mill, because the international market, Indian cotton prices lower than prevailing prices. For this reason, although it is cotton season, but most of the processors have been forced to reduce the processing, and 2 days a week to stop cotton.
Gujarat cotton processors association (GGA), Mr. Saurin Parikh, president of the Indian media fibre2fashion said: “We call on the Minister of Agriculture Mr. Sharad Pawar and Minister for Textile, Mr. Shankar Sinh Vaghela solve the problem. To this day, however, they did not offer any solutions, Cotton processors almost out of business. ”
“So now, we call on November 21 in Gujarat Kadi of a meeting to discuss the issue. Seven states plus cotton and their representatives will go to the meeting will be held to decide whether to strike.” He said that the All India Cotton Processors have no choice but to strike because the Government can not solve the problem.